Sunday, October 17, 2010

No Time To Read Books! Yikes!!!

More often than not, lately, I have a hard time finding time to read books.  Well, really, the problem is that I can't focus.  I have about 250 mystery novels on my book shelf that I haven't read and most aren't "new releases" anymore.  I gave up my subscription to the local daily newspaper as I didn't have time to read it all and it was a $22 per month nuisance.  I didn't renew two genealogy magazine subscriptions in an attempt to pare down my expenses each month.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the amount of time that I spend on the computer - emailing, posting photos, reading & posting on blogs and all other assorted computer stuff?  Or the time I spend watching TV?

Well, I still feel the need to read everyday and like to read a bit before I go to sleep.  So, I read articles in magazines.  They are short and there is no shortage of magazines and free newspapers around.   Last night I read an article about Home Children in an older Saltscapes Magazine  I also recently read a Seniors Advocate magazine from cover to cover (I've got a few years to go before I'm a senior though!).

I have to learn to focus and set limits and turn that computer and tv off!


Julie Goucher said...

Like you I love to read and over the last 18 months or so have noticed that the amount I am reading had reduced to practically nothing. I put it down to the day job which has a fair amount of reading! I have spent this summer and some more time recently culling my book supply. The first serious cull in about 20 years. Whilst culling the books has been a bit or an ordeal, I have read several good books which have made it to the top of the bedside table and three books in a week is more like the old me!

Pamela Wile said...

I read a lot at work too but it's mostly on a computer monitor and I wonder if that is the problem. I also wonder if the computer is contributing to my short attention span. Perhaps my brain's been rewired :) I have to cull some books too - I've hung on to them for so long, they're no longer current. I have tried in the past, but seem to find a reason to hang on to every last one of them :)