Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Think of a Number by John Verdon

I first heard about this book on some talk show on TV a while ago and immediately went to my library website and put it on hold.  It was already popular then, so I've had to wait a while for it to come in.  I got the email today from the library that it's waiting there for me to pick it up and that's where I'm headed in a few minutes.  Yippeee!  I hoped either this book or Book of Negroes would come in before the November 11 holiday.  I have taken Friday as a vacation day so I have four days off in a row.  Another Yippee! :)  I love having blocks of time to read instead of just the bits before bed.  Now that I'm not travelling by bus, I don't have nearly as much time to read as I used to.

I have enough reading in this apartment to keep me busy for the rest of my life, but, something new now and again doesn't hurt.  If you want to know more about this book, check this link to the Google Books entry.  If you like mysteries, I'll bet you'll rush to find this one.
